Reserve Fund Planning
Detailed Technical Review & Budgeting



We know how building components deteriorate and the risks that lie with the owner. We also know how pricing is generated in the industry.  When risks to the building mount, owners need detailed information to weigh out the actions that they will take.   Sometimes these are as seemingly benign as a window leak, a sunken sidewalk panel or a broken hand railing - but they are sources of physical hazards for the people who use the building and, if left unattended, could result in liability for you.   


  • advice based on our experience as to the risks associated with the issues observed.

  • repair options and cost estimates to fit budgets and aesthetic goals of varying sizes.

  • visual review and non-destructive investigation of the building exterior and common areas (non-electrical, non-mechanical).

  • letter report with technical explanations and photos outlining deterioration observed and associated budgets for repair, targeted as to the owner's request or needs.